Monday, July 26, 2010

"A DAY AT THE BEACH" By Steve Porter

I usually paint without photographs and when people are an important part of a painting, you have little time, so you scramble like crazy and hope it looks right . Of course with this style of watercolor painting the whole painting is a mad dash . I think to paint quickly makes a watercolor have an interesting effortless , free feeling. but many end up in the can. It is 15"x12"
unframed on high quality paper . For more info contact


  1. Great, Steve! I love the depth you got, very atmospheric, and the figures are well done.

  2. wonderful - beautiful colors working together - the people look great-their shadows, too! thank you!

  3. Those wonderful tree shapes add so much excitement to this piece and the figures are nice too.

  4. beautiful and interesting landscape, such graceful, naturalistic figures.

  5. Will you be posting it again on ebay? I've been waiting.
