Friday, March 26, 2010

Nude, oil by Rachel K Schlueter

Oil on 6" panel. This nude was painted during a figure study group hosted by Ink People in Eureka CA. I've been painting from a live model on and off for over thirty first experience with a live model was 1977 at the American Academy of Art in Chicago where I first learned that I had an interest in figure study. In 1990 I moved to Redway and began working with a figure group there. That's where I met the late Frank Ciecieorka, Judy Evanson, Alicia Treadway, Mariam Pal, Peg Anderson, Ralphie Hendrix and many more. I moved to Eureka in 1998 and found the Ink People where I met Curtis Otto and Gus Clark oh and my Husband Stock Schlueter where by I met many of my new friends that are like family to me now, most of them painters, no lack of inspiration in this life! Thank you for visiting our blog.


  1. wonderful Rachel! I particularly love the composition. KO

  2. Hey! Thanks for the shout out- I remember those days, oh yes. And we keep on keepin on.
