"Brilliant Afternoon Light Arcata Marsh" by Andrew Daniel
16" x 24" (40cm x 61cm) oil on wood panel
available through First Street Gallery
I was so excited by the combination of brilliant blues in the water and intense green of the duckweed. Fortune smiled upon the painter this summer and provided several richly sunny afternoons as I worked on this one.
This piece is going to be in a show dedicated to the theme of the Humboldt Bay at the First Street Gallery in October. Some of our Lost Coast Daily Painters will be represented in the show. Besides myself, there will be bay landscapes from Stock Schlueter, Kathy O'Leary and Mimi Laplant in the back gallery. In the front Gallery Cindy Hooper will have 6 video installations and Mary Mallahan will have a large scale ceramic model of the bay.
So vibrant!