Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"La Penita Palm Tree" by Amy Stewart--$60

I painted this last year when I was in La Penita, Mexico, a little town just north of Puerto Vallarta. Ah....Mexico....It was great fun, painting on the beach all day. Wish I was there now!

This is 8 x 10 on thin masonite board. Click here to bid. Go here to see other paintings.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"New York Fruit Stand" by Amy Stewart--$50

Fruit stands are great fun to paint. And in this case, I managed to get just the right kind of figure in the scene--a guy standing around waiting for someone to buy his wares. This particular stand, if you're curious, was somewhere on Seventh Ave, in the forties, I believe.

This is 5 x 7 inch oil on thin masonite board. Click here to bid.

Go here to see more paintings.

Monday, June 28, 2010


This painting is another version of a painting i had up a couple of weeks ago. It has a deckle edge so it will look nice floated in the frame. larger than usual watercolor is 15 x 22.5". sold

Sunday, June 27, 2010


This painting is a view of 'Half Dome' with an approaching storm. I've had the pleasure of painting in Yosemite along with other fellow painters and friends on several occasions. Yosemite National Park lies in the heart of California and the massive effect of glacial erosion on granite bedrock have created this breath taking unique landscape of soaring cliffs, domes and huge free falling waterfalls. Much of this painting was done on the spot several years ago but finished from photo references this past week. Some palette knife passages are still very wet. It measures 8 x 10 inches oil on Raymar canvas panel. To bid CLICK HERE . ENDED

Friday, June 25, 2010

Brown Thrasher, oil by Rachel K Schlueter

Oil on 6" panel. Paintings birds is new to me, learning about each bird that I paint is fascinating. The Brown Thrasher is the official state bird of Georgia, able to call in 3000 distinct songs.

Humming Bird, oil by Rachel K Schlueter

Oil on 6" panel. Birds are one of my favorite subjects, in life and to paint, they are such mysterious creatures as if from another realm... where all nature's creatures feast on flower nectar and no one gets hurt.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"COAST HEADLANDS AND CYPRESS", Oil painting by Kathy O'Leary

This painting is one of the plein air (on location) pieces I worked on during my recent trip down the coast of California. This was done on a sunny morning. It was basically clear, but the air had the usual hazy moisture off the ocean creating a softness to everything in the scene. This painting measures 9 x 12, and is done in oil, on canvas covered panel. SOLD

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Seventh Avenue, New York" by Amy Stewart--SOLD

Every now and then, a painting is just so much fun to paint. I particularly love this one because, for some mysterious reason, it was just enormously entertaining to do. It may have had something to do with the fact that I was painting in New York, and that after I finished it I washed my hands and stepped outside to go check out the most incredible little bar, making for a perfect New York night. And no, I'm not telling you the name of the bar! It's mine! Well, mine and about a million New Yorkers.

This is 8 x 10 on thin masonite panel. I'm in Greenwich Village, looking up Seventh Avenue. (or maybe Eighth Avenue. Hmmmm....)

Click here to buy it now, and be sure to check out my other paintings on eBay, too.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"Roosevelt Hotel Bar" by Amy Stewart--SOLD

Here's another painting based on the bar at the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans. I just love the way bars are lit--all that beautiful, jewel-colored light coming through the bottles. You'll see more of these in the weeks to come!

This one is 8 x 8 inches on 1/2 inch panel with slots in the back for easy hanging. Click here to bid. Go here to see my other paintings on eBay.

Monday, June 21, 2010

'WARM ROCKS' by Steve Porter

This painting is larger than i usually post. 15 x 20". I really liked this day. the warm light on the rocks against the cool ocean. Watercolor unframed that comes in a clear sleeve to protect it .

Sunday, June 20, 2010

"MENDOCINO FIELD" by Alicia Tredway

My Mendocino trip was plenty rainy so this was painted from the front seat of my car. It is watercolor with touches of oil pastel and measures 7 by 8 1/4 inches. For more information or to bid CLICK HERE Ended

Saturday, June 19, 2010

EGRET ROOKERY - HUMBOLDT BAY, oil painting by Kathy O'Leary

This is a painting of one of my favorite views on Humboldt Bay, the Egret rookery on Indian Island. The colors of the marsh grasses and the light surrounding the island and on the water change constantly. Through the seasons, high and low tides, clear or foggy skies, its always beautiful. Several Egret and Heron species (including the Snowy Egret, and Blue Heron) nest in these trees every Spring and Summer. Its a favorite for kayakers, birders, as well as local photographers and painters. SOLD

Friday, June 18, 2010

Stellar Jay by Rachel K Schlueter

Oil on 6" panel. The Stellar Jay is a striking beauty and noisy force of nature. Birds are heavenly subjects. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

"VIEW OF INDIAN ISLAND - HUMBOLDT BAY" oil painting by Kathy O'Leary

This is a view of one of the islands in Humboldt Bay. It's a beautiful spot, inhabited only by a few local residents, and in Spring and Summer, nesting Egrets and Herons. It is also a sacred spot for the Wiyot people, the original inhabitants of the island. I consider it one of the most beautiful places on our bay, and have painted and photographed it dozens of times. This, and Saturday's paintings are just the latest in this series. This painting is 8 x 10, on canvas covered panel. SOLD

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"Smith's Bar" by Amy Stewart--SOLD

I just got back from a three-week painting trip in New York. I took a workshop with Karin Jurick the first week, and then, because I had my paints and supplies with me, I actually continued to paint for a little over a week--until I had to stop to let the paintings dry. I didn't want to carry an easel around New York and set up somewhere--painting is kind of messy, so clean-up is awkward, and the people keep moving around! But I did work from photos, using the fire escape in my apartment as a studio. Bliss!

This is Smith's Bar in Hell's Kitchen, on 8th Avenue around West 44th Street. I just loved the neon sign.

Many more New York paintings in the weeks to come--I have a stack of paintings I finished while I was there, and hundreds of photographs I hope to paint soon!

This is 8 x 10 oil on board, with slots in the back for easy unframed hanging. Click here to bid, and don't forget to check out my other paintings here.

Monday, June 14, 2010

'TONES OF TEAL' By Steve Porter

This painting was painted on baker beach in trinidad. was inspired by the light between the rocks ... The size is 11.5" x 15". Unframed watercolor on arches heavy paper . sold

Sunday, June 13, 2010

"SIGHTING IN"by Alicia Tredway

I'm just back from Mendocino and this is my friend and painting buddy, Peg, who went with me.
We go every year and spend a glorious week painting. This piece is oil 7 x 5 1/2 inches on canvas paper. For more information or to bid CLICK HERE ended

Saturday, June 12, 2010

COAST CYPRESS, oil painting by Kathy O'Leary

This is a scene from a trip along the Northern California coast. I love the softness that the coastal moisture and clouds can create. The blue and gray of the overcast sky and the Cypress and grasses on the distant hills provided a soft backdrop to the two old Cypress in the foreground. This painting in done on an 8 x 10 Masonite panel. SOLD

Friday, June 11, 2010

Maji the Vibrant, by Rachel K Schlueter

Oil on 6x6" panel. Maji Hendrix is a dear friend of mine, she is a striking beauty and an adventuresome creative force of many mediums. Maji is the daughter of Tim and Eva Hendrix, she is the granddaughter of Ralphie and Virgil Hendrix.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

"TEJON RANCH OAKS" Oil Painting by Kathy O'Leary

This is a scene from a recent paint out I attended with 20 California Art Club members at the Tejon Ranch in Southern California. The ranch property begins at the north end of the Grapevine (I-5) and extends for several miles covering vast areas of mountains, hills and valleys, grasslands, trees and wildflowers. Tejon Ranch, originating from a Spanish Land Grant, is a publicly held company now 90% preserved through land trust agreements. For two days we had the opportunity to photograph and paint this beautiful rugged and protected land rarely accessible to the outside world. I loved the composition and light of this scene. It reminded me of other California painter's efforts to capture similar scenes during an earlier era in our state.
This painting is oil on an 8 x 10 canvas covered panel. SOLD

To see another of my recent paintings of California ranch lands, go to my entry in the California Art Club's 99th (click this link-) Gold Medal Exhibition on line.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lil Alley Cat by Rachel K Schlueter

oil on 7x10"panel, just having fun with color. No time for anything serious with my new puppy Lobo on the scene!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"OLD CARS #1 by Alicia Tredway

"Old Cars #1" is oil on canvas paper and measures 5 1/4 x 7 1/4 inches. I usually silently curse this area of my place....old tarp (argh) but the lovely shapes, colors and mottled light were seen more lovingly this day. To bid CLICK HERE ended

"OLD CARS #2" by Alicia Tredway

"OLD CARS #2" measures 5 1/2 x 7 1/2 inches oil on canvas paper. To bid CLICK HERE ended

Monday, June 7, 2010

'COASTAL TREES' By Steve Porter

This watercolor was inspired by the circular shape in the trees and the repeated form in the rocks . on heavy watercolor paper . 11" x 14.5" unframed.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

"DAHLIAS AND FRUIT" by Alicia Tredway

This is a watercolor I did last summer. A fellow painting buddy brought them to the studio to be included in a still life. They were a beautiful and huge presence and I tried to balance them with other colorful notes of fruit and a green ink bottle. It measures 8 x 6 3/4 inches. To learn more
or to bid GO HERE

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Color Kitten by Rachel K Schlueter

9x12" oil on panel. I am learning to paint quite fast with an almost desperate urge to produce something artistic QUICK! ...why? because i have an adorable puppy who's bladder is probably the size of a thimble, he needs to relieve himself often when he's with me at the studio. I'm getting in shape too running up and down the stairs all day. Funny thing... this painting looks more like my puppy "Lobo" than a kitten.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Black Cat with Red by Rachel K Schlueter

Oil on 9"x12 panel. When I showed my husband Stock this painting he asked me if I knew there was paint splattered across the cat? I replied "yes, it's expressionism" he said "it's sloppy" we laughed and I agree but it's how I like to paint.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

"HILLTOP", Oil Painting by Kathy O'Leary

This is a scene from my travels through the hills and valleys of Central California's ranch lands. One of my favorite subjects that I paint often. With changing light, skies, and seasons, I always find something interesting and beautiful in the region. This painting is 9 x 12, on primed Masonite panel. SOLD
I will be participating in OPEN STUDIOS these next 2 weekends. Come and see more of my work, or just drop in and say Hi! My studio is located at 208 C St., (old town) Eureka. I will be open from 11am -5pm each day, June 5 & 6, and June 12 & 13

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

TACO VENDOR, MEXICO by Linda Mitchell

Here's one from my trip to La Penita, Mexico last fall. I painted it from a photo I took at a festival celebrating Revolution Day.