Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Red Shawl oil painting by Andrew Daniel

"The Red Shawl" by Andrew Daniel
oil on canvas
12" x 9" (30cm x 23cm)
available in my online shop.

This woman (named Megan possibly?), was so interesting to paint. She's a hair dresser, so she has the skills to dye her hair with several shades of color from blond to orange to red. She wore this red shawl which complimented the hair colors to create a vibrant scene. I haven't had many chances to paint such vibrant colors in a figurative piece before.


  1. Gosh and Begorrie(?sp)! If her name's not Megan, it should be! Looks as though you had a ton of fun with all those warms.

    1. Aye! She doers appear to have a touch o' the Irish!

  2. Great color and neutral placements. Strong mood in the portrait using
    polar opposites of expression and joyous color placement in
    effective areas. Thanks for posting this.

    1. Thank you Terry! It is an interesting contrast of moods, now that you mention it!

  3. Love the energy in this piece and that RED!

  4. Thanks! I love working with red, hardly ever get a chance to see so much working form life...
