Saturday, June 30, 2012

Our Garden, Afternoon Sun by Jim McVicker

This is one of the larger garden paintings I've been working on. Late May and June is the time I enjoy our garden the most. It's when the roses are at their fullest bloom, the Foxgloves are up and everything is fresh and seems to sparkle with life. I painted this in the late afternoon as the sun baths the garden in sunlight. My wife Terry is the figure in the garden.  oil on linen 24x30

Friday, June 29, 2012

"Plumeria" by Joyce Jonte

This is an original painting titled "Plumeria" measuring 7.25 by 9 inches. Watercolor and gouache on poplar wood. Spray fixed and ready to hang. To learn more or bid, click here.

"Kitten Scratch" by Rachel K Schlueter

Oil on 9x12" panel.
This paining is from a photo of my nine week old kitten "Chief" he is an amazing force of  love and inspiration in my life. This painting is on exhibit at Sewell Gallery of Fine Art in Eureka CA. through July.
 Thank you for visiting!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Refuge's Slough" pastel by Ralphie Hendrix

The Humboldt Bay Refuge is a favorite spot for painters in Humboldt County.  This is a view looking north from the foot bridge when the eucalyptus were still standing tall along side the slough.  Most of them are gone now, either removed by man or Mother Nature.  I've painted many scenes like this as I love to paint eucalyptus even if they're not "native" to this country.  They're still fun to paint.  This is approximately 10 X 8 set in a 14 X 11 mat.  To bid CLICK HERE.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

'WINE TIDELINE' By Steve Porter

This is a small watercolor that measures 9.5" x 10". A low tide day with wine color tide line and moss green growth on large rocks.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Garden Roses, Morning Light by Jim McVicker

I'm working on several larger garden paintings, which just due to their size, make them more complex. It's been very exhilarating to set the larger piece aside and jump head first into a small format that give one results, good or bad, in a short time frame. I think this piece works and it gave me an idea for a larger canvas I'm now working on.  9x12  oil on paper

Saturday, June 23, 2012

'Full Moon in March' by Theresa Oats

The atmosphere of our cloudy wet climate creates dramatic cloud formations that make for dynamic full moon skies. It's been my observation that the most glorious full moons in our area occur in February and March. I did 90% of this by looking at the moon and moving back into the studio repeatedly to record what I saw and 10% working in the studio only.

I painted with oils on a 30x30 stretched canvas.

This piece along with the work of many other Redwood Art Association members will be displayed at the Eureka/Arcata Airport starting in a few days and running for 6 months.

Friday, June 22, 2012

"Magnolia" by Joyce Jonte

This is an original painting titled "Magnolia" measuring 7.25 by 9 inches. Watercolor and gouache on poplar. Spray fixed and ready to hang. To learn more or bid, click here.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Chief" by Rachel K Schlueter

Click to Bid
Oil on 5.5x6" panel.
"Chief"  is my new little nine week old kitten.
This is my first painting of him.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Tabby" pastel by Ralphie Hendrix

This old guy’s name was Roger and he’s passed on to the big sandbox in the sky. We brought him home with his brother Cramer and his sister Spook. He was my husband’s cat and I think the old geezer still misses him. Roger was a good one and I still miss him also. This pastel is 3 X 4-1/2 double matted and set in a 5 X 7 black frame. To bid CLICK HERE

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

'SERENE TIDE' by Steve Porter

Finally some nice weather but the wind almost carried this off into the sea. I find one of the hardest things to capture in watercolor is the translucent area between sand and water . So it always comes out different in my technique search.  The watercolor is 11" x 15" .    thanks

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Palm Garden by Theresa Oats

I painted 'Palm Garden' about 10 years ago on sunny days in the afternoon in our front yard.  Our palm tree is now more than twice as big. A local person purchased it, and now it resides in an Arcata vacation rental.     54x84 oil on stretched linen surface.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Buff Beauties by guest artist Jim McVicker

Terry and I have been painting our garden this month. We have four Buff Beauty roses that line our walkway. I painted this piece of a small section of the roses in one short sitting. I was struck by the light, color and shapes.  12x9 oil on paper

Friday, June 15, 2012

"Forest Dream" by Joyce Jonte

This is an original painting titled "Forest Dream" measuring 8.25 by 9.5 inches. Watercolor and gouache on poplar, spray fixed and ready to hang. To learn more or bid, click here.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

"Trinidad" by Stock Schlueter

Oil on 9"x12" panel. Click to bid
Stock Schlueter is auctioning "Trinidad" an original plein air painting to help Tyson and Molly Ritter with their: Kickstarter project. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Wild Grass" pastel by Ralphie Hendrix

Down at Pebble Beach, the golf courses have more than sand traps. They have these wild areas where you definitely wouldn't want to lose a ball. This is one of them. He could be wrong but my husband says this is near the third hole at Spy Glass. I was taken by the light on the multicolored grasses and it's obviously an intermittent stream bed.  It sure is a beautiful area. This particular piece is 7 X 5 matted and set in an 10 X 8 blonde frame. To bid CLICK HERE

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Singing Marsh Wren by Andrew Daniel

"Singing Marsh Wren" by Andrew Daniel
 3.5" x 3.5"(9cm x 9cm) oil painting on wood
available in my online shop.

Monday, June 11, 2012

TREES ISLAND By Steve Porter

This watercolor is called Trees Island .  i'm running out of names because i have painted it so many times. but they always come out different . But thats the nature of watercolor. It measures 11" x 14" .

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Storm Sky by guest artist Jim McVicker

With all the rain showers and dramatic skies we have had this spring I had to attempt a small painting of the beautiful effects. I stood on the deck and painted this piece a few day ago. As the sky closed in and cleared many times over the less than two hours while I painted, the lone cow was completely oblivious to all the changes taking place.   Oil on Paper   10x7 inches

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Yellow Rose Red by Theresa Oats

The lushest rose I've had the pleasure to paint is the Westerland.  They grow up the side of our studio building, becoming floppier every day.  I clipped this blossom and painted it from life in my studio with oils on a prepared panel measuring 5x7 inches.
I plan to ask for help to figure out how to place it on e-bay tomorrow,  Sunday June 10
click here to bid

Friday, June 8, 2012

"Floating" by Joyce Jonte

This is an original painting titled "Floating" measuring 15.25 by 22.25 inches. Watercolor on 140# arches. Unframed and ships flat. To learn more or bid, click here.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Goldie by Rachel K Schlueter

Click to bid
Oil on 6x7" panel
I used a  photo reference of mine to make this painting.
I know it's a little strange but that never stops me...
I am an abstract expressionist at heart.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Usal Beach" pastel by Ralphie Hendrix

Usal Beach is located in northern Mendocino county just off of Hwy 1 where it turns inland to meet up with 101 at Leggett. It has camping grounds and is quite beautiful in this remote coastal part of No. California. I’ve driven on the paved and dirt roads to get to this beach. The dirt road can be quite challenging but so quiet, uncrowded and lovely. A perfect place for an artist to paint. This painting is 8 X 10 set in a 11 X 14 mat. To bid CLICK HERE


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012

'The Rock' by Steve Porter

I was so taken by the greens in this rock and its surroundings that i decided to use a simple palate in greens and purple.  For me ,  painting is not just about copying what i see, but enhancing the things that drew me to the subject in the first place . The watercolor is 11 1/2" x 15"

Sunday, June 3, 2012

"Melancholy" by Joyce Jonte

This is an original painting titled "Melancholy" measuring 7.25 by 9 inches. Watercolor and gouache on poplar. Spray fixed and ready to hang. To learn more or bid, click here.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Jamaican Woman by Theresa Oats

This beautiful young woman who posed for our life drawing group back in the 1990's struck us as both exotic and somber.  Word had it that she was from Jamaica originally, but later, a friend who once lived in that part of the world said her features are not typical for that area.
 Most everyone came up with an interesting piece of art because her chiseled features highlighted by the sheen of her complexion inspired creativity.
I  painted in oils on canvas paper from life.
An fellow artist named 'Rose' purchased it while it was on exhibit at a local gallery.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Bucks Lake Bathers by guest artist Jim McVicker

I painted this watercolor a few years ago from a photograph I shot at Bucks Lake. Each June several friends would spend 5 days or so at Bear Basin Lookout. This was the trip from 2008. We would spend one afternoon with a hike up to Bucks Lake, often coming home with fish for dinner. I have painted several works on location each year, a couple of watercolors from this spot, so when I saw this photo I couldn't resist. The figures add so much to the scene.  watercolor on paper 15x21