Wednesday, January 26, 2011

After Velasquez

I lost my camera cord and couldn't post my daily painting so I decided to put up an old masters study I did a few years ago. An artist friend Dan Pinkham once told me if I would paint in black and white for a would save me 20 years on development. Heh heh...i don't know about the 20 years thing...but it did help me understand value. I love Velasquez's paintings and especially The Dwarf. This is a little 5" x 7" on cardboard...NFS.


  1. You really captured the expression and like the way
    you zoomed in on only the face from the original.

  2. Thanks Terry. The sad thing dog chewed this piece of cardboard...i have about 3/4's of this little painting stuck on my wall in my studio. I notice when i paint on crummy throw away cardboard...i am more free...

  3. You really captured the Velazquez vibe. Wonderful work.
